Saturday, December 16, 2006

Left is right and Right is wrong... or is it the other way.

Frankly I am annoyed. That is the reason for this post. Typically I try to avoid having such a strong oppinionated post. Not my style but I need to vent. Some people may not like what I have to say. Too bad.

In the eternal scope of things does it matter? What are we really here for? Is it posturing and propaganda?

So here is the thing folks. I am seeing from both sides the same behaviors. The same judgemental, condescending, short sighted and overly critical behaviors. No one wants to take a step back and say, "Why does my brother believe what he believes?" No one wants to admit that the other person may have some good points.

If you want me to take any time to consider your opinion stop. Stop the propaganda. Stop tearing down your brother. Prove to me your way is better with your actions.

After all that is what The One I follow did.


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