Ever had one of those days? A day so frustrating that talking to the wall, you are beating your head on, is more productive than whatever you are currently trying to accomplish.
That was my day yesterday.
Yep. All blessed day long.
That's not the point.
I had to keep myself amused somehow.
I made a list. Twenty five items that I am most thankful for. (This was yesterday but I can still be thankful for them today.) So here goes...
1. The sunrise that made getting up at 0430 almost worth it.
2. Purple gel pens (with glitter).
3. A mom who understands that foul language can be extremely therapeutic, and laughs with me (at me) when I am trying to blow off steam.
4. A roommate who will listen to me continue to vent, and will one day make me a shirt that says "You were warned."
5. Gilmore Girls - If I have to explain this you should watch the show.
6. Cajun boil. Dinner with some of the coolest people I know.
7. Fuzzy kitties. But this blog isn't about them.
8. Atlas church - For helping me to focus on something other than myself.
9. Fiction - So that I have an excuse for the crazy.
10. Brunches with bacon. (Mmmh bacon.)
11. The assurance that the next time I go to work it will not be anything like today.
12. It's September! Football, Sweatshirt weather, yeah!
13. Gas is three dollars a gallon. I drive a Civic. Any questions?
14. My electric bill will be lower next month. It's Fall! Yeah! That means I don't need heat or AC most days. Of course I am in Colorado there could be days where I need both!
15. A vast ammount of silly girl movies to distract me.
16. My iPod.
17. The ablity to self edit. It is a good thing that no one can read my mind.
18. My african violets are blooming!
19. My outside plants have survived until September.
20. The promise of a new Brandilyn Collins book.
21. Books coming from Amazon that I paid cash for. They are here (yeah) ahead of schedule.
22. The promise of a new Dee Henderson book in October.
23. A lovely journal from a great friend to help keep me sane.
24. Love songs. "The Woman With You" by Kenny Chesney is particularly touching tonight.
25. This is the best and most important, I KNOW (with the knowledge that surpasses understanding) that I am loved.
What are you thankful for?