Friday, September 29, 2006

So Nice to Get Away

I needed to spend some time where my cell phone had no bars. So, Thursday I took a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, and spent some time driving over trail ridge road. You can view the rest of the pictures that I took here. I am happy it is fall but I am looking forward to next June/July and driving the whole route.

What am I reading...

Did Siri Mitchell use my personality profile for this book? There were points when I felt like I was reading a book based on me. She changed some key points of course. I don't have brown hair, am not an environmentalist who works as a civilian at the air force academy, I was not forced to subdivide my office into a cubicle, I don't wear converse sneakers with flames on them, and I don't live with my grandmother.

Jackie Harrison uses her online blog to deal with the new stresses in her life. Mostly involving the pilot turned history teacher Joe, who just happens to share her newly subdivided office. Joe manages to insert himself into every aspect of her life and has a way of encouraging to do things she would have never considered.

Of course it can't be that easy boy meets girl and they fall in love and live happily ever after. Jackie has trust and fear issues that left me screaming at her "just get over it," but at the same time knowing I would be reacting in the same way.

"The Cubicle Next Door" was a fun read that had me reading slowly (a rare feat) to savor the book. I am sad now that I finished it, and I am longing for more by Siri Mitchell.

Next read "Violet Dawn" by Brandilyn Collins. Unfortunately I can't start it tonight, it's dark out.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Men In My Life

There are people who claim that my standards are too high for the man I am going to marry. They are probably right. Here are the two men you could blame for that. They have taught me so much about who a man should be and what love means.

By the way if you couldn't guess they are my Dad and Grandpa.

My dad is holding a recently shed snakeskin. He brought it straight home to my mom.

She was thrilled.

This is my favorite picture of my grandpa. In recent years he refuses to look at the camera when he is getting his picture taken. The result is a stupid profile image (sorry Grandpa).
This way we get to see his charming smile, and both his white eyebrows. The family myth is they changed from red to white over night.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dumbest Quote Ever

"Love means not ever having to say you're sorry. "
Erich Segal, Love Story (1970)

Whenever I hear this quote it makes me crazy.

What quotes drive you bonkers?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Girls.

Wilma Sue (top) and Angel (bottom) spending time in their favorite places. They were dealing with a little stress. A storm had come through. Wilma Sue was hiding from Angel who couldn't decide what to do with herself. That is untill she found a place to keep an eye on everyone. Posted by Picasa


This is what my sister looked like when I visited her a month ago. I cannot guarantee what she looks like now!

It is only coincidence that her hair matches the wall of the store we were visiting.

I leave her alone for all of two minutes and this is what she does. Strangely, I was not shocked at all.
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Monday, September 18, 2006

Year One

One year, so much fun and so many great memories. Coming from a place of pain to healing and joy. It is so amazing to see where God has lead us. He really did use the hurting and pain to create something healthy and growing.

I have learned so much from the last year. But the most important lesson I learned was to let go.

This is where God wants me.

The people of Atlas are my family, they are my people. I love and cherish all of them for who God created them to be. I am looking forward to seeing how God works in our lives and in our church in the year to come.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Unexpected side effect...

Obsessive compulsive neat-freak, yep, that is what I have turned into since obtaining a room-mate. When I lived alone I could handle all sorts of mess. I could ignore a mess for days and days. Now I can't handle letting the dishes sit in the dish dryer for more than twenty-four hours.

Don't get me wrong my room-mate, H, is a fairly neat person. Not many complaints on my end. Most of the time if I have an issue it is usually my problem. I just can't handle dealing with anyone's chaos. My own chaos I can ignore for years.

My mom is loving this. She has waited for 20+ years for me to start picking up after myself.

I just have to say I finished all my laundry, picked up a good portion of clutter, and picked up the kitchen. It feels really good to have all my stuff together before I go to work tomorrow. This probably will not last. Enjoy it while it does mom.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Great Year

This year some amazing and wonderful things have happened in my life. I have been so blessed.
Here is a list in the order that they happened.

1. Saw Keith Urban live at Red Rocks.
2. Atlas church started. Probably one of the most bitter sweet things that has happened this year.
3. Glorietta Christian Writers Confrence, I had an amazing time. Learned so much and now I am trying to apply what I learned.
4. The new Cardiovascular Care unit at NCMC opened. This is a great place to work.
5. Got an iPod for Christmas.
6. Had a lovely 29th birthday party.
7. Bought a condo.
8. Went to California for a critical care nursing confrence. Spent a lot of time relieving stress at Disneyland.
9. Got a fun roommate who likes my cats.
10. Spent time in Breakenridge with the amazing women from my church.
11. Saw Tim McGraw and Faith Hill live at the Pepsi Center. Had an awesome seat, and an amazing time.
Wow, what a year. Any thing you want to hear more about. I have had some great experiences with all of them.

What Does This Say About Me...

My Mom saw this bumpersticker and thought about me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So Thankful

Ever had one of those days? A day so frustrating that talking to the wall, you are beating your head on, is more productive than whatever you are currently trying to accomplish.

That was my day yesterday.

Yep. All blessed day long.

That's not the point.

I had to keep myself amused somehow.

I made a list. Twenty five items that I am most thankful for. (This was yesterday but I can still be thankful for them today.) So here goes...

1. The sunrise that made getting up at 0430 almost worth it.

2. Purple gel pens (with glitter).

3. A mom who understands that foul language can be extremely therapeutic, and laughs with me (at me) when I am trying to blow off steam.

4. A roommate who will listen to me continue to vent, and will one day make me a shirt that says "You were warned."

5. Gilmore Girls - If I have to explain this you should watch the show.

6. Cajun boil. Dinner with some of the coolest people I know.

7. Fuzzy kitties. But this blog isn't about them.

8. Atlas church - For helping me to focus on something other than myself.

9. Fiction - So that I have an excuse for the crazy.

10. Brunches with bacon. (Mmmh bacon.)

11. The assurance that the next time I go to work it will not be anything like today.

12. It's September! Football, Sweatshirt weather, yeah!

13. Gas is three dollars a gallon. I drive a Civic. Any questions?

14. My electric bill will be lower next month. It's Fall! Yeah! That means I don't need heat or AC most days. Of course I am in Colorado there could be days where I need both!

15. A vast ammount of silly girl movies to distract me.

16. My iPod.

17. The ablity to self edit. It is a good thing that no one can read my mind.

18. My african violets are blooming!

19. My outside plants have survived until September.

20. The promise of a new Brandilyn Collins book.

21. Books coming from Amazon that I paid cash for. They are here (yeah) ahead of schedule.

22. The promise of a new Dee Henderson book in October.

23. A lovely journal from a great friend to help keep me sane.

24. Love songs. "The Woman With You" by Kenny Chesney is particularly touching tonight.

25. This is the best and most important, I KNOW (with the knowledge that surpasses understanding) that I am loved.

What are you thankful for?

Monday, September 04, 2006

I caved

I had to ask myself some questions before starting a blog.

Do I need a blog?
Probably not at this point.

Will any one, other than my mother, read what I have to say?
Probably not, but she always likes what I have to say.

Do I have a unique perspective,and interesting things to say?

Will I keep up with this blog?

This will mostly be a forum to keep my friends and family updated on what I am doing with my life. Hopefully it will not become a blog entirely devoted to my cats.

I guess you will have to wait and see.