So it's been a while. Here is a random post.
I am going back to night shift for a while. I just am not an early morning person. I move super slowly first thing in the morning and I believe the best time of "day" is after eleven at night.
Workout wise I fell off the wagon back in July. I am just now getting back into a regular routine. I just spent an hour on the elliptical machine and my legs feel like jelly now. I got a boost from my cholesterol results that made me dance around my house. Seriously, I am such a nerd. They were a thing of beauty. It really was a great reinforcement that I am doing the right things with my diet. I just need to eat less of the good things that I am eating. So currently my BMI is 30.5. If I keep up my fitness routine and diet I am confident that I will get it down under 30 before the time I turn 31.
Off to get ready for work now. Will be better about posting hopefully.
Labels: exercise and fittness
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